Please read over the entire process and help us make hiring student workers as easy as possible.
Step 1: Advertise your job
“HireHendrix” is the College’s online job posting board. Using HireHendrix as the centralized location for student employment listings ensures that all job-seeking students have access to opportunities, as well as visually showing students the number and variety of student employment positions that exist. All jobs must be posted on HireHendrix before you will be able to hire a student employment student.
To post your student employment position(s) on HireHendrix:
- If you have not already done so, create an account in HireHendrix: please follow
these step-by-step instructions. You will receive a confirmation email when your account has been activated.
- Log in to
HireHendrix and post your job using this
step-by-step guide.
- Questions?
Check out the FAQ here or contact
- If you will fund the position with a grant, please read
this information.
Step 2: Notify us of your hire:
You must complete this form for each student worker you will hire before the student begins working. This information is essential to get your student paid. STUDENTS CANNOT WORK until a “Work Authorization” email has been received by the student and supervisor.
If the form below does not load please be sure that you are logged in.
Questions about work authorization can be sent to
We greatly appreciate your cooperation! You will receive a confirmation email upon submission of the form, please contact us if you do not.
Step 3: Have your new hire complete paperwork
Before they start work all student workers must complete a few basic forms. They can get all the info on being a student worker at . Please have your students print and complete the required forms and deliver them to the Financial Aid office.
Please help out everyone involved in the process by reminding all your student workers of the need to complete those forms when you offer them the position. You can provide them with this
helpful checklist that includes instructions on how they can see which forms are required.
Please consult the FAQ.