Is Hendrix right for you?
At Hendrix, you'll find yourself in frequent discussions with people whose views differ from yours, but your ideas will always be respected. We believe it's important to challenge conventional wisdom and our own assumptions. If you disagree, if you think some things just shouldn't be questioned, you might not be happy at Hendrix.
But if you feel most alive when you're trying to get to the bottom of things, if you're the kind of person who loses track of time hashing over new (or age-old) ideas, and if you want to make a difference in the world, then you'll be as happy to find us as we are to find you.
Hendrix is a truly egalitarian community, where you are accepted wholeheartedly for who you are and what you are. Whatever your background, politics and career goals, we think you'll feel at home at Hendrix!
Explore Hendrix and find out!
Take some time to explore our site and get to know more about Hendrix. See if it's right for you. Should questions arise, contact your admission counselor - they're here to help. And, don't forget to schedule your campus visit today! When you visit campus, you'll discover for yourself what sets us apart from other schools - our friendly, open, honest, unpretentious character.
We're also on Facebook! Stay connected and keep up with the latest happenings on campus by becoming a fan of Hendrix College Admission and Financial Aid.
Hendrix is also a proud member of Loren Pope's Colleges That Change Lives. Check us out!