Catalog 2024-2025

Data Analytics

Teaching Faculty

Faculty contact: Goadrich
Interdisciplinary Minors Program Chair: Liu 


Minor in Data Analytics

Six courses distributed as follows:

  • CSCI 150 Foundations of Computer Science
  • One course from:
              BUSI 250 Principles of Statistics
              MATH 215 Introductory Statistics
              MATH 310 Probability and Statistics
              PSYC 290 Statistics
              SOCI 210 Social Statistics
  • One course from:
              CSCI 151 Data Structures (w/Lab)
              CSCI 270 Computational Humanities
              CSCI 285 Scientific Computing
              CSCI 335 Artificial Intelligence
              CSCI 340 Database and Web Systems
              MATH 365 Mathematical Models
  • Two elective courses from:
              ANTH 335 Geographic Information Science
              BIOL 480 Field Ecology (w/Lab)
              BUSI 390 Accounting Information Systems and Database Management
              ECON 400 Econometrics and Forecasting
              ECON 430 Management Science
              One of the following:
                      POLI 202 Empirical Research Methods  
                      PSYC 295 Research Methods (w/Lab)  
                      SOCI 335 Sociological Research Methods
  • One additional course from the two previous lists


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