Interlibrary loan (ILL) allows you to obtain materials not available in this library. Interlibrary loan should not be used in lieu of other local resources. You have access to Torreyson Library's resources at
UCA, including online databases (on campus only), journals, and books.
Who Can Use ILL?
ILL is available free of charge to all Hendrix College students, faculty, and staff. Special exceptions may be made for community members. Please contact our Interlibrary Loan Department (450-1287) for more details.
How to Place a Request
You should find your citation (author, title, date, volume, or issue) in an index, an electronic database, a bibliography, or other authoritative source.
Check our online catalog to see if we carry the book or journal.
If Bailey Library doesn't have what you need, complete the forms below as appropriate. If you do not receive a response to your request, send the complete citation with information about where you found your citation in an email to ill@hendrix.edu. You will be notified by email when the material arrives or is ready for download.
Book Form
Article Form
How Long Does it Take?
We will process your request immediately, but cannot guarantee time of delivery. The arrival of ILL materials depends on the lending library and the mail service. Usually books will take around one week, and articles two days.
Borrowing Books from UCA
Perhaps a faster option for obtaining your materials would be to use UCA's library - you can check out up to five books from UCA with your Hendrix ID and access online articles by following this procedure:
Check UCA's holdings. If UCA has the book(s) you need, simply go to Torreyson Library, locate the book(s) on the shelves (they use Library of Congress classification - ask the librarians for assistance if you need it), and present your Hendrix ID at the circulation desk when you are ready
to check out your book(s).
- You can also access UCA's article databases, but you must be at their library to search and download articles. Talk to a UCA librarian about accessing their
online journal articles.
You are responsible for returning your book(s) to UCA. The loan period is 28 days.