Catalog 2015-2016

Learning Domain, Capacity, and Odyssey Codes

Codes are designated by a two letter abbreviation appearing in parentheses or brackets following the course title. 

Learning Domain Codes 

(EA) - Expressive Arts 

(HP) - Historical Perspectives 

(LS) - Literary Studies 

(NS) or (NS-L) - Natural Science Inquiry or Natural Science Inquiry with Lab 

(SB) - Social and Behavioral Analysis 

(VA) - Values, Beliefs and Ethics 

Capacity Codes 

(FL) - Foreign Language 

(PA) - Physical Activity 

(QS) - Quantitative Studies 

(W1) - Writing Level I 

(W2) - Writing Level 2 

Odyssey codes 

[AC] - Artistic Creativity 

[GA] - Global Awareness 

[PL] - Professional and Leadership Development 

[SW] - Service to the World 

[UR] - Undergraduate Research 

[SP] - Special Projects 

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