Catalog 2016-2017

Literature In Translation

Teaching Faculty

Associate Professor Jellenik
Visiting Instructor Cottrant-Estell


Program Course Listings

The courses for this program are organized into the following categories:

Literature in Translation Courses

Taught in English translation, interdisciplinary or comparative literature courses approach the literature of a particular language discipline in a larger cultural context. These courses are open to students of all majors.

LITR 202

Existentialism in France

This class examines the existentialist trend in French theory and fiction. Recommended for but not limited to French majors. French majors read the fiction (not the theory) in French and write papers and essays in French. This course is taught in English. Cross-Listed FREN 202.

Literary Studies LS
Values, Beliefs and Ethics VA
Writing Level 1 W1
LITR 260

Topics:French Lit & Film

A topics course exploring an author, movement, or genre in depth. This course can be repeated for additional credits as long as the section topics are different Recent section topics include French Literature and Film, Women Writers of France, French Short Story. Readings may be done in translation. Consult the online course schedule for information about the topics currently scheduled to be taught. Cross-listed as FREN 460.

Literary Studies LS
LITR 261

French Literature in Translation

Studies the literary expression of French speaking peoples of France, Africa, the Caribean, and Canada. Cross-listed as FREN 261.

Literary Studies LS
Writing Level 2 W2
LITR 361

Translation Theory

Studies the various theories pertaining to the translation of literature. Cross-listed as FREN 361.

Literary Studies LS
Writing Level 2 W2
LITR 402

Existentialism in France

This class examines the existentialist trend in French theory and fiction. This course is taught in English. Cross-listed as FREN 402.

Literary Studies LS
Values, Beliefs and Ethics VA
Writing Level 2 W2
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