- 6 courses from the list below with no more than 2 courses from the same discipline and no more than 2 Asian language courses
ANTH 385
Anthropology Special Topics*
ASIA 191
East Asian Popular Cultures
ASIA 204
Asia through Role-play
ASIA 350
Topics in Asian Studies
CHIN 110
Beginning Chinese I
CHIN 120
Beginning Chinese II
Chinese Martial Arts Novels and Films
CHIN 210
Intermediate Chinese I
CHIN 220
Intermediate Chinese II
Gods Demons and the Supernatural
Topics in Chinese Literature
CHIN 310
Advanced Chinese I
CHIN 320
Advanced Chinese II
ENGL 397
Vietnam in the Literary Imagination
HIST 160
Origins of East Asia
HIST 244
Modern China
HIST 246
Modern Japan
HIST 291
Japan and World War II in Asia
HIST 292
The Two Koreas
HIST 293
Korea: The Forgotten War
HIST 306
Crime and Punishment in East Asia
HIST 307
Gender and Society in East Asia
HIST 309
Ecology and Culture in East Asia
HIST 360
Vietnam and the 60s
JAPN 100
Japanese Language and Culture
POLI 440
Advanced Topics in International Relations*
RELI 111
Asian Religions: An Introduction
RELI 218
Buddhist Contemplation
RELI 223
An Introduction to Hinduism
RELI 225
An Introduction to Buddhism
RELI 235 Leadership in a Multi-Faith World
RELI 280
Issues in Religious Studies*
RELI 334
Buddhist Sacred Biographies
RELI 410
Topics in Asian Religion - At least 2 courses selected from the above list must be at or above the 300-level.
*Must have a substantive and geographic focus on countries of Asia or the region. Must be approved by the Interdisciplinary Minors Program Chair in consultation with the Asian Studies faculty representative.
Note: Contact the Interdisciplinary Minors chair about possible substitutions for transfer or study abroad credits.