The Senior Capstone Experience for the economics and business major may be accomplished in one of four ways:
- Completion of the course ECON 497
Economic Research
- Completion of the course BUSI 497
Corporate Strategy
- Passing a comprehensive written examination with three parts: (1) BUSI 200, 210
Principles of Accounting I and II;
(2) ECON 200
Microeconomic Theory
and ECON 210
Macroeconomic Theory;
and (3) a concentration based on two upper-level courses, both of which are either accounting or economics courses.
- Successful completion of an economic research project in conjunction with the Baker Prize in Economics.
The grade for the Senior Capstone Experience is based on either the ECON 497
Economic Research
course, the BUSI 497
Corporate Strategy
course, the written comprehensive examination, or determined by the faculty member sponsoring the Baker Prize research project.