Catalog 2024-2025


Teaching Faculty

Professors Contreras-Silva, Jellenik (French coordinator), Rauh, Resinski, and Vilahomat 
Associate Professors Liu (chair and Chinese coordinator), and Vidal-Torreira (Spanish coordinator)
Assistant Professor and Murphy Fellow Brandner
Instructors Cottrant-Estell, Fabricio, and French



The Department of Languages offers majors and minors in Classics, French, and Spanish. The department also offers courses in Chinese language and literature that may be used for the Asian Studies minor. Our programs in modern languages are designed to develop written and oral communication skills in the target languages, to promote global awareness through the study of different cultures and peoples, and to encourage aesthetic appreciation through the study of literature. Our program in Classics encourages students to develop a multi-faceted view of Greek and Roman antiquity through an interdisciplinary study of language, literature, history, and philosophy.


Classics-Latin, Greek



Departmental Courses

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