Catalog 2024-2025

Psychology Odyssey Guide

Based on the Hendrix faculty’s longtime awareness of the educational value of engaged learning, the Odyssey Program was implemented in the fall of 2005 to encourage all Hendrix students to embark on educational adventures in experiential learning. While the graduation requirement includes the completion of an approved experience in at least three of the six Odyssey categories, the Program importantly allows students to learn more about themselves and the world around them. For more information, visit the Odyssey Program Info Hub.

Below you will find examples of ways students pursuing a major or minor in this department or program have encountered Odyssey. Remember that these are only suggested opportunities; students are encouraged to propose their own creative Odyssey projects. Further, Odyssey experiences do not need to be related to your major or minor.


Established Pathways to Odyssey through the Major

Professional and Leadership Development

  • PSYC 415 – Psychology Practicum
  • PSYC 498 – Internship (site can be identified by student or identified in consultation with the department and/or career services)

Service to the World

  • Volunteer opportunities at sites providing care for mental health

Special Projects

  • Internships that have both a professional development and research component (for example, an externship at the Psychiatric Research Institute at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences with Drs. Gess and Kleiner)

Undergraduate Research

  • PSYC 480 – Advanced Research
  • Participation in the out-of-class research lab of one of our faculty members



We encourage students to work with advisors and Psychology faculty in their areas of academic interest to help identify potential research and professional development sites and we will regularly share summer research and internship opportunities that come to faculty as part of our professional listservs.

Many psychology research and internship opportunities could be coded as PL, UR, or SP (as a combination of PL and UR), so speak with your faculty project supervisor to discuss which coding best fits your opportunity.

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