Faculty Handbook 2024-2025

C.2.a. Terms of Appointment [Operating Procedure]

The terms and conditions of every appointment to the Faculty shall be stated in writing, and a copy of the appointment document is given to the Faculty member. Any modifications of an appointment and any special understandings are also stated in writing, and a copy is promptly given to the Faculty member. 

Hendrix Faculty are nine-month employees of the College. However, because of the structure and staffing needs of the library, Library Faculty are twelve-month employees of the College. Faculty should consult the Human Resources Office for more details about benefit details and differences in the two types of employees.

Generally, the nine-month period begins on the Monday two weeks before the first day of classes in the fall semester, ends on the date when fall semester grades are due, begins again on the Monday one week before the first day of classes in the spring semester, and ends two weeks after commencement. There may be time-sensitive issues crucial to the operation of the College that require engagement by faculty members outside of the nine-month period. During the nine-month period faculty have the usual flexibility in scheduling time on campus.