Faculty Handbook 2024-2025

C.2.c. Faculty Qualifications Policy

Any exceptions to the following minimum criteria must be approved in writing in advance of hiring by the Provost and the Committee on Faculty.

Tenure-Track Faculty (and Non-Tenure-Track Faculty hired at the rank of Assistant Professor)

  • terminal degree in the discipline
    • usually a Ph.D. or other doctorate
    • terminal master’s in some disciplines including art, theatre arts, dance, and creative writing, usually an M.F.A.
    • master’s degree in business or accounting with a C.P.A. or J.D. and at least 5 years relevant work experience  
    • in some circumstances new faculty may be hired at the rank of instructor without completion of the terminal degree—assuming the degree is expected within one year 

Non-Tenure-Track Faculty (hired at the rank of Instructor)

  • master’s degree in the discipline
    • usually an M.A., M.S., or M.B.A.
    • professional degree such as J.D. with appropriate previous teaching and professional experience

Adjunct Teaching Staff

  • master’s degree in the discipline
    • usually an M.A., M.S., or M.B.A.
    • professional degree such as J.D. with appropriate previous teaching and professional experience
    • for physical activity courses the minimum qualification is appropriate certification and/or experience teaching the particular activity as determined by the Physical Activities Coordinator in consultation with the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs.

Master of Arts in Accounting Faculty [whether tenure-track, non-tenure-track, or adjunct teaching staff]

  • terminal degree in the discipline
    • usually a Ph.D. or other doctorate
    • master’s degree in business or accounting with a C.P.A. or J.D. and at least 8 years of relevant staff member experience or 4 years of relevant management experience

Comments on Sub-disciplines

  • At the tenure-track level of hiring, most departments seek generalists who can contribute to the curriculum in the discipline in broad ways while adding expertise in particular areas of the discipline.  These areas may or may not rise to the level of recognized sub-disciplines.
  • In some departments recognized sub-disciplines are part of the fixed curriculum in the discipline.  In those departments, faculty who teach in those sub-disciplines must have at least 18 semester hours of graduate work in the sub-discipline.  The consideration of substitution of fewer than 18 graduate hours with additional certificates, training, or other professional development experiences must be approved in advance by the Provost.
  • Faculty who teach courses outside of the discipline in which they were hired must have at least 18 semester hours of graduate work in the other discipline.  The consideration of substitution of fewer than 18 graduate hours with additional certificates, training, or other professional development experiences must be approved in advance by the Provost.

Comments on Interdisciplinary Studies

  • Faculty who teach courses in an interdisciplinary studies program teach content related to the discipline of their degree.  Those courses are either regular courses in their home departments or cross-listed with regular courses in their home departments. 
  • Faculty who teach courses in an interdisciplinary studies program that are not directly related to the discipline of their degree must have at least 18 semester hours of graduate work in the interdisciplinary discipline. The consideration of substitution of fewer than 18 graduate hours with additional certificates, training, or other professional development experiences must be approved in advance by the Provost.

Comments on General Education Program

  • The Engaged Citizen faculty are expected to demonstrate a commitment to the aims of liberal arts learning as outlined in Hendrix’s Vision for Student Learning. In particular, instructors should be dedicated:
    • to guiding students “in discerning and understanding core principles about complex issues” related to engaged citizenship,
    • to encouraging students “to enhance their understanding by making connections among different bodies of knowledge” to formulate arguments about engaged citizenship,
    • to teaching students to “communicate their findings effectively and persuasively,”
    • and to preparing students for vibrant Odyssey experiences later in their Hendrix careers by providing students opportunities to “reflect on their studies” and “engage with the world based on their inquiry and deliberation.”
  • Only full-time faculty who have two or more years of teaching experience at Hendrix teach The Engaged Citizen.  The Engaged Citizen Working Group uses faculty “statements of intent” to evaluate commitment to the above aims.  Faculty are also involved in TEC workshops.
  • Explorations sections are taught by
    • Hendrix Faculty who have completed academic advising training and have been at Hendrix at least two academic years.  In most cases, the faculty serve as academic advisors for students in their sections.  
    • Hendrix staff with a master’s degree and with the approval of the Director of Academic Advising. 
  • Explorations teachers must also complete summer workshops during the summer before Explorations is taught.