Faculty Handbook 2024-2025

C.5.b. Non-Sabbatical Leave Policy [Operating Procedure]

Purpose. The primary purpose of a non-sabbatical leave is to provide Faculty members the opportunity to pursue personal or professional goals that are not possible given their usual obligations to the College.  Examples include, but are not limited to, conducting research for another entity, accepting an external grant award with full-time obligations, pursuing educational or retraining goals, and providing community service.  In accepting a non-sabbatical leave, a Faculty member thus accepts an obligation to return to duties at the College for at least one academic year upon completion of the leave.

Terms. With approval of the Provost, a non-sabbatical leave may be granted for one semester or for a full year.   During the leave the Faculty member usually receives no salary from the College.  Other options must be discussed in advance with the Provost.  Fringe benefits and credit toward tenure during the leave period must also be negotiated with the Provost.  A Faculty member on a non-sabbatical leave is considered to be a continuing member of the Hendrix faculty, and such leave does not affect eligibility for sabbatical leave.  A Faculty member may apply for a faculty project grant for the leave period.

Process. A Faculty member interested in pursuing a non-sabbatical leave should consult the Provost before submitting a written request.  Although there is no formal deadline for requests, time must be given for the College to make arrangements for the Faculty member’s absence.  During deliberations, the Committee on Faculty may discuss the proposal with the Department Chair for an understanding of benefits and costs involved. The Committee on Faculty makes a recommendation to the President.  Decisions are announced by the President.

Except under extraordinary circumstances, a single period of leave (including sabbatical leave) may not exceed one academic year.  If a Faculty member desires to extend a period of leave beyond this limit, she or he must consult in advance with the other members of affected departments or programs and then apply for the extension to the Committee on Faculty by December 1 of the year of the leave.

Upon return from a non-sabbatical leave, the Faculty member is expected to submit to the Committee on Faculty a brief written report describing the results and benefits of the leave.