Faculty Handbook 2024-2025

E.4. Faculty Community Development

The rich educational atmosphere of Hendrix College is created by bringing together students and teacher–scholars as fellow community members. The Faculty serves a vital role in nurturing this environment by creating, supporting, and administering learning opportunities beyond as well as in the academic arena.

We rejoice at all we have to offer on campus and aim to sustain this tradition with the continued participation of the Faculty. In the interest of fairness and balance in our private as well as professional lives, we expect all Faculty members to participate in a combination of these activities, to reasonable and equitable levels.

Contribution to Collegiate Governance

It is part of the responsibility of each Faculty member to participate in collegiate governance. These expectations include the following:

Faculty Meetings

The Faculty usually meets once each month when the College is in session. Occasionally, additional Faculty meetings are held on call. All members of the Faculty are expected to attend these meetings and the meetings preceding the opening of the fall semester. Faculty should inform the Provost if they expect to be absent.

Departmental and Area Meetings

Faculty members are expected to attend all regularly scheduled meetings of their departments and areas, and to take an active part in the work of these groups.

Committee Assignments

Committee assignments are a normal part of the duties of the Faculty members. Committee members may be elected out of their areas, elected by the faculty-at-large as recommended by the Committee on Committees, or appointed by the Provost or President depending upon the nature of the assignment. The standing committee structure and election procedures can be found in Committee Descriptions and General Principles under Section B: Organization and Governance of the College in this Handbook. The present committee assignments can be found in section B.2.c.

Convocations and Formal Academic Events

Periodically, convocations and special academic events are scheduled at which the Faculty processes in full academic regalia. Such events, including conferral of honorary degrees, Honors Convocation, Commencement, and professorship installations, are integral to the aims and programs of the College. Faculty members, appropriately attired, are expected to take part in these formal academic occasions. Information about acquiring academic regalia can be obtained in the Office of Academic Affairs.

Support of Campus Growth and the Campus Community

The Faculty is necessarily the core for the success of the educational mission of the institution. Therefore, many campus groups want, and need, the assistance of the Faculty to further their missions. While these are not the primary responsibility of the Faculty, the Faculty understands that our roles are significantly eased by the work of others. These activities could include but are not limited to the following opportunities.

Supervision of student activities

The Faculty supervises student publications, intercollegiate athletics, music, dramatic and literary clubs, social organizations, and other student affairs (See Section 16 of the Bylaws).

Student recruitment and College advancement

Faculty members play an essential role in student recruitment and college development by meeting with prospective students, attending receptions for prospective students and their parents, or assisting the Office of Advancement in cultivating development opportunities in their respective fields. All Faculty members are expected to contribute to these endeavors at reasonable and equitable levels.

Attendance at other campus events

The College sponsors plays, concerts, sporting events, invited speakers, and other campus events. Faculty members are encouraged to attend these events, which enrich the community and recognize the work of others as valuable.

Planning of campus events

Faculty are encouraged to plan and participate in enrichment opportunities for the campus community as appropriate. Such opportunities may include (but are not limited to) performances, exhibitions, guest lectures, public readings, and discussion groups.

Enrichment of the Community beyond Hendrix College

The College encourages Faculty to take on responsibilities within the broader community. It recognizes that belonging to professional organizations, serving on boards and committees of service organizations, and volunteering time and effort to schools, church groups, civic clubs, and other worthwhile causes can enhance personal growth, develop further respect for the institution, and contribute to the well-being of others in the world. These activities should be seen as an extension of, rather than a substitution for, the Faculty member’s on-campus responsibilities.