
Hendrix Preliminary Honor Roll of Donors

The gifts listed below reflect alumni donors to the Hendrix Annual Fund between June 1, 2023 and May 31, 2024. All gifts must be received by May 31, 2024, to be counted in the College's alumni giving percentage for the 2023-2024 academic year.   If you see an error with your listing, please contact or call (501) 450-1357.

Our current year fundraising efforts end May 31, 2024. If you haven't made a gift yet, there is still time to do so! Your gift of any size will make an impact. Thank you.

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Half-Century Club Giving

1876 Society 
Joe  Goyne III '69
Carolyn Lacy Miller '74
Kent  Ritchey '65

Founder's Society
Beth Henderson Abbott '54
Morriss  Henry '53
Joe  Hollyfield '60
Lynda Blackmon Jackson '72
Eric  Jackson '72
Susan  Jelen '73
David Knight '71
Pat  Osam '70
Teresa Clogston Osam '72
Bill  Roberts '65 (Dec)
Thea Siria Spatz '62
Sissi Goacher Warren '66
Truman  Warren Jr. '67
Randy  Wilbourn III '68

Chairman's Club
Anonymous '74
Biff  Averitt Jr. '66
Ann Manasco Averitt '66
Jim  Bost '64
Ann Jones Clayton '61
Al  Cook '67
Susan Farris DeBoard '71
Bub  Epley III '63
Ed  Hendrick '68
Ed Langley Jr. '73
Craig  Leipold '74
Pat  Lewis '59
Lee  Morgan '49 (Dec)
Linda  Nall '65
Marty Rhodes '72
Dana Fowler Steward '65

Leadership Society
Anonymous '74
Anonymous '74
Mary Murphy Baker '62
Carol Weygandt Chappell '70
Chuck  Chappell '64
Nancy May Fomby '69
Tom  Fomby '69
Jack  Frost '72
Sarah Weir Frost '72
Frank Hawkins '70
John Hampton III '64 (Dec)
Jane Case Hawkins '72
Max  Hendrick III '67
Chris Carroll Herring '70
Paula Pitts Johnson '69
Cathy Smith Ketcheside '74
Deb McLendon Mathis '72
Donald  McDonald Jr. '69
George  Mitchell '52 (Dec)
Dottie Dunlap Patterson '68
Larry  Pearce '70
Pam Binning Pearce '70
Diana Gochenour Reeves '64
Tommy  Reeves Jr. '63
Jerry  Robbins '60
Jim  Robnolt '64
Ralph  Scott Jr. '73
Vicki  Scott '68
Ted  Smith III '72
Jerry  Stolz Jr. '66
Judy Rorex Stolz '67
Marion  White '70

President's Club  
David  Alford '73
Johnnie Dacus Amonette '63
Rex  Amonette '61
Diana  Arms '74
Ben  Arnold '65
Dottye Bishop Arnold '65
Don  Austin '73
Carol Ann  Barnett '61
Karen  Barnwell '70
Lyn Nixon Bayless '71
Molly Paulk Brasher '62
Russell  Brasher '63 (Dec)
Sharon Hunter Braswell '74
Clyde  Briant III '71
Jim  Bridges '63
Dot Shaw Brown '51
Mike  Campbell '70
Paul  Carter '69
Betty Lewis Cohen '69
Chuck Cole Jr. '60
Jennie Gwinn Cole '63
Wiley  Coley III '74
Gladwin  Connell '60
Mary Louise Powell Corbitt '68
Jamie  Cox '72
Carl  Crider '65
David  Crittenden '67
Marsha McCorkindale Crittenden '68
Kramer  Darragh III '70
Gary  Darwin '55
Jimmy  Davidson '62
Kay Mebane Dietz '67
Dick  Dietz '67
Martha Love Faulkner '49
Clark  Fincher '73
Kim Sudderth Ford '70
Rick  Foti '68
Karrol  Fowlkes '69
David  Frederick '67
Maribeth Woodfin Garrison '64
Bill  Gebauer Jr. '62
Bill  Gibbs III '73
Judy Baker Goss '70
Pat  Goss '70
Larry  Graddy '68
Vonnie  Graham Jr. '65
Jan McCutchen Graham '65
Doug  Graydon '69
Ann Cathey Gregg '67
Jack  Hamman '55
Dayne  Hassell '63
Aubrey  Hough '66
Mildred K. Shields Hugghins '50
Jerry Jump Humes '72
Jerry  Jeffries '61
Peggy Newlon Jeffries '61
Bill  Johnson '60
Sam  Jones III '73
Martha  Kirkley Curry '62
Richard  Lancaster '73
Charles  Ledbetter '60
Lewis  Leslie '72
Anna Belle Dent Loeb '63
Beverly Brown Madron '59
Marti  Margrave-Artibee '72
Kay Rausch Maris '64
Mahlon  Maris '63
Garth  Martin '52 (Dec)
Walter  May '73
Ann Bradley McBryde '74
Mark  McBryde '74
Paul  McChristian '69
Ron  McDonald '73
Allen  McGee '61
Richard  McKelvey '64
Helen Hughes McKinney '54
Joan Long McKinney '72
Melinda Alley McNutt '70
Carol Faupel Mendel '73
Ned  Metcalf '67
Barbara Goad Moore '63
Peg May Morris '71
Suzanne Willbanks Nixon '65
Ken  Nixon '65
Don  Nolley '60
Paula King Norwood '68
Joy Triplett O'Connor '46
Marshall Oathout '65
Morriss  Partee '60
Cecilia Riley Patterson '67
Jan Keath Patterson '73
Bill  Patterson '66
Gail Peck Pitts '64
John  Powers III '64
Janey Hershey Powers '65
Charles  Price '63
Leslie Swindler Price '74
Mary Lois Wallace Price '56
Bob  Razer '71
Mary Lynn Harris Reese '65
Kay Gallagher Ridgway '60
Richard  Rolleigh '67
Ashley  Ross Jr. '51
Bob  Shaw '62
Diane DeWese Shaw '63
Bill Spivey III '74
Cathy Spivey '74
Bob  Stroud '68
John Stroup '69
Sam  Teague '55
Tig  Thompson '62
Valerie  Thwing '73
John  Turba '68
Beverly Couch Villines '72
Mary Guittard Voegtle '72
Carol Newcome Walker '69
Linda Parker Walker '66
Bob  Watts '69
Don Weir '65
Susan Hefley Weir '65
John  Wells '62
Bill  Wells '55
Gene  Wilbourn '54
Meredith Miller Wilbourn '56
Hollis  Williams Jr. '61
Ellen  Williams '67
Diane Murphey Williamson '64
Donna Manley Wolfe '66
Jon  Wolfe '66
Larry Wright '71

Dean's Club
Mary Keck Abell '73
Betty Rose Woodcock Babcock '66
Ken  Babcock '65
Murl  Baker Jr. '67
Shirley Stevinson Ball '65
Delano  Black '59 (Dec)
Lynette Cook Black '61
Steve  Boone '63
Mary Ruth Price Brown '61
Virginia Johnson Buck '66
Brent  Bumpers '74
Debbie Pile Cahill '73
Jay  Critz Jr. '69
Mary Ann Moseley Critz '69
Jean Crume '73
Rosemary Winters Davis '62
Jim  Dunn '70
Suzie Vinson Dunn '70
Kel  Farris Jr. '74
Teri Loftin Fettes '72
Vicki Closser Gershner '70
Chris  Hackler '64
Bill Harrison '68
Sherron Eberle Heinemann '66
Annette Acord Hall '63
Paul  Henley '68
Liles Henry '70
Bill  Higgs '74
Bill  Humphrey '60
Buddy  Johnson '63
Jeannie Rayner Johnson '65
Larry  Lawson '54
Luke  Lucas '73
Ark Monroe III '64
David  Moose Sr. '63
Dorothy Cunning Morey '51
Kirby  Mouser '73
Bob  Nelson '59
Don  Price '69
John  Ritchey '73
Lewis  Roebuck '49
Barbara Baker Satterfield '73
Charlotte  Shideler '74
Ann Shumaker Shuck '69
John  Simmons '67
Harrell  Simpson Jr. '64
Jim  Smith Jr. '69
Lois Byrd Stinnett '52
Ermon Crume Vandy '70
Frank Warren Warren '69
Mary Katherine Margrave Weber '74
Chris  Williams '70
Robert  Williams '70
Bill  Wilson '62
Martha Mitchell Wyre '64

Second Century Club
Carolyn Johnson Adams '61
Sue  Alexander '73
MJ Mitchell Anderson '71
Karen Peterson Arvin '70
Larry  Barden '64
Louise Cary Barden '65
Sue  Barger '64
Roger  Bates '57
Shelby Reynolds Bates '58
Mac  Bellingrath III '74
Sis Martin Bellingrath Pugh '49
Jerry  Blackburn '61
Herb  Bland III '67
Kay Denton Bland '67
Ralph  Blanks '72
Margaret Shelley Blohm '70
Dick  Bona '68
Paula Crabtree Bookout '62
Simon  Bookout '64
Donna Crawford Boxley '73
Bill  Briant '71
Lunsford  Bridges '63
Russ  Brown Jr. '56
Diane  Brownlee '69
Porter  Brownlee III '69
Don Buell '63
Bowdoc  Bumgardner '62
Martha Crofoot Bumpers '73
Tom  Carpenter '74
Linda Pondexter Chesterfield '69
Steve  Choate '66
Clif  Christopher '73
Daryl Coker '69
Clyde Covington Jr. '62
Kay Waters Crouch '67
Mike  Crouch '69
Billie Singleton Curry '69
Ferrill  Dalton '74
Toni Thompson Davis '68
Jeep  Denison III '67
Danny  Dillard '67
Betty Woodiel Dodgen-Mundt '55
Joetta Milhoan Duke '68
John  Edens '64
Harold  Elder Jr. '74
Tom  English '56
Jean Wright Enright '61
Simpson  Evans '66
Fran  Featherston '73
Jim  Fowler Jr. '74
Jerry  Franzen '72
Skip  Freeman '72
Marilyn  Gibson '70
John  Gillean III '73
Leland  Gion '62
Dent  Gitchel Sr. '63
Claudia Harrison Hamilton '66
Carol Coleman Hassialis '64
Peter  Hassialis '65
Gloria Mason Henderson '58
Harold  Henderson '58
Richard  Hinkle Jr. '71
Mary Jane Ford Hodges '70
Brooks  Holifield '63
Vicky Thompson Holifield '63
Mac  Holmes '64
Ann Dover Honeycutt '68
John Honeycutt '68
Jeff  Hoy '74
Randy  Hudson '66
Kris Braun Huffman '68
Mac  Huffman '66
Ken  Hunter '62
Stephanie James '72
Renee Philson Hunter '65
Mary Leech Johnson '68
Diana  Jucas '66
Jack  Keathley '70
Frazier  Kennedy '60
Mickey  Kientz '70
Kathy Rowe Killman '73
Kaki Parker Kinard '71
Rick  King '67
Ronnie  Kitts '64
Pam Williams Knight '74
Benny  Koontz '72
Pat Couch Laster '58
Mary Ann  Lee '64
Guy  Lessenberry '68
Page  Lindsey '70
Mitzi Cline Link '74
Les  Lowrey Jr. '70
Bob  Lyford '69
Betty Gene Sparks Mann '68
Richard  Mann '65
Pam Aslin Chandler Markham '64
Kenny  McCastlain Jr. '63
Joe  McCormack '62
Mary Pauline Jones McElroy '60
Jeff McLean '66
Ken  McRae IV '74
Paul  Meredith '69
Sarah Braden Meredith '69
Hal  Moffatt Jr. '62
Lavon  Morton '72
Donna Johnson Mosley '49
Bonda Deere Moyer '69
Gary  Neaville '71
Digie Brown Neaville '71
David  Nelsen Jr. '74
Ernest  Nipper '56
Freddie Henley Nixon '62
Sara Essex Pedigo '62
Barbara Horton Pence '68
Jeff  Pence '68
Kay Bible Perry '63
Diane Davis Peters '67
George  Peters '63
Jim  Phillips '62
Betty Ann Reid Piper '64
Joe  Purvis '68
Howard  Pyron '55
Peggy McRaven Pyron '55
Deborah Clement Raessler '70
Joe  Rainwater '68
Blake  Robertson '72
Bill  Robinson '70
Jim Ross Jr. '60
Greg  Russell '73
Louise Lowrey Satterfield '70
Karen Grant Schirmer '71
Anne Pye Shadle '71
Keith Shideler '72
Rodney  Showalter '69
Ed  Smith Jr. '67
Mike  Smith '62
Nancy Dodson Smith '65
Susan Hazelbaker Smyer '73
Sam  Southerland '71
Katherine Coulter Stanick '37
Dexter  Taylor '70
Bill  Temple '73
Jennifer Johnston Tippett '74
Linda  Tooke '74
Bob  Traylor Jr. '49
Justin Tull '67
Ellen  Turner '72
Duane  Van Giesen '64
Lana Dice Van Giesen '66
Fred  VanHook '65
Linda Burrow VanHook '66
Joe Waldrum '68
Don  Warren '70
Jo Nell Tumlison Warren '71
Philip  Weber '72
Marion Waters Weir '63
Tom  Weir '63
Julie Smith Wiedower '73
Bill  Wiedower '73
Charlie  Wiggins '62
Bev Cook Williams '72
Lorrie Warren Williamson '61
Jack  Wilson '63
Molly Gilliland Wilson '65
Therral  Wilson '64
Buddy  Wyre Jr. '66
Carol St. John Young '74
Paul  Young Jr. '71

Century Club
Wendy Westerlund Akin '74
Vic  Anderson III '70
Steve  Bailey '74
Lynn Robinson Baker '74
Betty Massey Barnett '69
Charles  Barnett '62
Emily Charles Barrier '64
Becky Coker Bashor '66
Jean Rummel Beck '72
Judy Owens Belew '68
Ray  Bell '64
Tommy  Bemberg '74
Jerrine Jones Bogan '60
Bill  Bozarth '64
Bob  Branch '52
Ann Cox Bridgers '59
Tom  Bridgers II '61
Richard  Brown '58
Sue Barker Brown '58
George  Cheatham Jr. '74
Janice Henriksen Choate '62
John  Choate '60
David  Chumley '74
Sue Hawbecker Clark '56
Anonymous  Class of '64 '64
Shirley Hart Cooney '68
Anne Wallace Crighton '68
Nona Eagle Culpepper '52
Kay Carroll Darwin '65
Kent  Darwin '64
Virginia Upton Daugherty '61
Fred  Dietrich Jr. '58
John  Dill '67
Mary Helen Harrell Dill '52
Susan Councille Dill '69
John  Dodgen '56
Jim  Dowell '68
Gwen Meyer Dunkum '63
Kathleen Morgan Filkins '74
Michaela Badela Fitzhugh '72
Judy Cox Fraley '69
Bill  Fraley '69
Gary  Frederick '60
Nancy Deaton Graddy '69
Mel  Gray '66
Jim  Grise '58
Carol  Hampton '65
Lu Thurman Harding '70
Beth Allen Harmon '71
Jim  Harper '74
Sara Jernigan Harrison '54
Pat Pearce Hendricks '65
Muriel Hagey Hicks '68
Ida Margaret Wells Howell '66
Tenny Howell '66
Louise Martel Huddleston '50
Patsy Williams Itaya '70
Mitch  Jansonius '71
Katherine Kennedy Jefferson '69
Carolyn Harkleroad Johnson '72
Rick  Johnson '72
Pam Boyson Johnson '73
Sammye  Johnston '60
Dana Carpenter Jones '74
David  Jones '71
Manny Juarez '73
Manny  Juarez '73
Larry  Kelso '72
Keith  Kennedy '69
Becky Bruch King '72
Becky Johnson Kossover '66
Pat McGill Lile '60
Dickie  Lunsford '69
Mark  Lyons '69
Hilda Hancock Malpica '64
Larry  Malpica '64
Kaye McSpadden Martin '66
Keith  McNabb '71
Bonnie Stocks Moody '69
Edna Balenton Morgan '74
Cliff  Morgan III '71
Bill  Nevins Jr. '62
Brooks  Newbill '65
David  Newbold '68
Judy Sanders Niven '71
Bill  Niven Jr. '69
John  Ostner '59
Bill  Puddephatt Jr. '74
Janice McHaffey Ramsey '68
Michael  Reese '64
Ted  Reveley '66
Peggy Tull Roberson '55
Marty Tims Roth '63
Rich  Roy Jr. '66
Ann Kersten Ruffin '63
Twig  Satterfield Jr. '73
Kathy Huff Smith '69
Neta Sue Osgood Stamps '60
Anne Chandler Stoll '66
Caroline Crenshaw Strubbe '62
Jane Coley Sumerlin '71
Lynn Russell Teague '70
Susan Zahn Trammell '64
Dodie Blair Tudor '61
Chris  Von Dippe '66
Ralph  Watson '60
Bob White '72
Jack  Wilson '58
Kay McSpadden Wilson '58
Linda Miller Wilson '70
Carol Page Woodall '66
Betty Myers Yahn '64

Scholar's Club  
Meg  Adair '71
Bob  Ahart '69
Susan Moore Armstrong '73
Tim Armstrong '73
Joel  Bailey '69
Steve  Barden '73
Nelson  Barnett IV '59
Sandra Slaughter Barnett '60
Charles Berger Jr. '61
Willa Jo Bullard Beuhler '57
Bonnie  Blyth '69
Jeannie Hosley Botts '67
Betty Johnson Brown '71
Fran Keathley Brown '74
Tom Brown '72
Wanda Wilson Burnap '58
Kathy Finn Carmical '69
Libby Rockwood Casbeer '69
Martha Clardy Chamness '71
Harry  Clerget '69
Lynne Ware Clifton '71
Tom  Coleman Jr. '69
Jane Pritchett Collins '61
Sue  Couch '56
Marilyn Horton Dibble '67
Tom  Dodson Jr. '57
Hugh  Donnell '60
Pat Henderson Donnell '58
Sarah Covington Duffel '67
Joe  Eason '66
Wanda Tharp Eason '66
Alan  Eastham Jr. '73
Carolyn Laux Eastham '72
Doc  Edgar '73
Laurie Pappas Effinger '74
Ron  Elkins '64
Nell Wallace Engeler '61
Linda  Gannaway '71
Mike  Gillespie '64
Omar  Greene II '73
Ann Stevenson Grigsby '65
Anthony  Grigsby '62
Wade  Hall Jr. '69
Debbie Primm Hardwick-Smith '73
Bennie  Harmon '70
Clark  Harris '72
Patti Porter Hendricks '71
Mary Sue Grandgeorge Henry '61
Patty Green Holubar '68
Eril Barnett Hughes '74
Carroll  Jackson '71
Becky Jones '74
George Kamp '56
George  Kelly Jr. '72
Gary  Langston '71
Bob  Lee '54
Mary  Lester '73
Maureen Steinmetz Leverett '63
Marsha  Lewis '74
Carol  Lindsey '68
Marguerite  Maddox-Puckett '67
Ron McCaskill '65
Kay Lyford McCollum '62
Raikes Anne Slinkard McCrary '71
Linda Owen McNulty '72
Connie Haisty Miller '72
Dennis  Mills '67
Melinda  Morse '74
Marilyn Martin Ott '74
Matt  Parker III '67
Mary Jane Goss Pearce '73
Steve Peer '72
Grady  Perryman '74
Katherine Sue Shepherd Phillips '61
John  Pike '58
Phil  Price '74
Terry  Rasco '69
Aleta Murph Reed '74
Grace Ellen  Rice '71
Peggy Parks Roach '60
Rog  Rogers Jr. '72
Ann McCormack Rutherford '45
Julia Anderson Sessions '56
Dianne McMillan Smith '69
Jeff  Smith '73
Lisa Lowe Smith '73
Mark  Spradley '64
Penn  Stafford '74
Duane  Stephens '64
Dianne  Tack '74
Charles  Tadlock '61 (Dec)
Bob  Taylor '69
Cilla Hughes Trenado '72
Kay Satterfield Tyler '66
Boyd  Ward '70
Art  Weeden Jr. '68
Susan Hartrick Welch '64
Bill  West Jr. '72
Richard  Wise '74
Ouida Watkins Wright '68