
Faculty Governance

Hendrix College, Academic Affairs - Faculty & Administration
Policy # 01120
Effective: Monday, October 15, 2018

This section contains policies and descriptions of faculty governance issues related to Academic Affairs. The section also contains membership lists for standing committees, curricular committees, and other Faculty committees.

Additional Authority

These policies apply to faculty.

Responsible Party

1. B.2. Faculty Governance

This section contains policies and descriptions of faculty governance issues related to Academic Affairs. The section also contains membership lists for standing committees, curricular committees, and other Faculty committees.

2. B.2.a. Faculty and Chairs

The Faculty. The Faculty consists of the President, Provost, Vice Presidents, and all officers of instruction above and including the rank of instructor. The professional librarians are considered officers of instruction; thus they are Faculty of Hendrix College with voting privileges. Other staff and adjunct teaching staff are invited to take part in Faculty meetings but cannot vote. The Faculty meets upon the call of the President or Provost, makes rules governing its own procedures, and constitutes such committees as may be required.

The Faculty, subject to the approval of the Board, prescribes requirements for admission, for graduation, for degrees and courses of study, rules, and methods for the conduct of the educational work of College. The Faculty recommends candidates for all academic and honorary degrees. The Faculty also has broad responsibilities in the area of student life.

Area Chairs. The President appoints Area Chairs. The Provost advises the President on the selection after consulting with the current Area Chairs and gathering advice from all Faculty in the area. The Provost may also seek advice of students majoring in departments within the area. The Area Chair should be a leading Faculty member within the area and must be a tenured Associate Professor or Professor in the area. The Area Chair normally should have had at least three years of experience at Hendrix College. In exceptional circumstances, these criteria can be modified.

Typically an Area Chair serves for a single term of four years. In normal circumstances, an Area Chair’s teaching load is reduced effectively by the equivalent of three courses per year, and committee assignments are normally limited to ex officio assignments.

Each Area Chair advises the Provost and, as necessary, the President, on all matters concerning his or her area and on matters of common College-wide concern. The specific responsibilities of the Area Chair include the following:

  • coordination of the academic programs, course schedules, and teaching loads within the area;
  • setting the agenda for, calling, and presiding at area Faculty meetings;
  • oversight of area operating and capital outlay budgets;
  • advisement of the Provost on matters of personnel, rank, tenure, promotion, and compensation;
  • conducting the scheduled evaluations of area Faculty members;
  • allocation of Faculty development or travel funds;
  • provision of liaison between the area Faculty and the administration;
  • coordination of supervision of the facilities and equipment of the area;
  • membership on the Council on Academic Policy, the Committee on Faculty, and the Committee on Faculty Grants.

Department and Program Chairs. Department and Program Chairs are appointed annually by the President on the advice of the Provost. The Provost consults with the Area Chairs in this matter. All departmental members of the Faculty are also consulted regarding the appointment of Department and Program Chairs. The Department and Program Chairs Handbook in Chapter I contains more detailed information.

The Department and Program Chairs play a leadership role for their respective departments or programs and the College. The tasks of a Department or Program Chair at Hendrix College include the following. (Some of these duties may be delegated to others. Listed items are not rank-ordered in importance.)

Educational Duties—integrating departmental functions into the educational process:

  • coordinates the curriculum, course schedule, advising, and advanced placement within the department or program;
  • chairs regular departmental or program advisory committee meetings;
  • oversees the administration and grading of capstone experiences and comprehensive examinations;
  • coordinates the selection of persons for departmental honors (such as prizes or graduation with distinction);
  • coordinates student career placement and graduate school and professional school applications;
  • oversees departmental acquisitions for the library; and
  • keeps in contact with various off-campus constituents for student referral and general off-campus activities.

Administrative Duties—integrating departmental functions within the College structures:

  • prepares and submits departmental or program operating and capital budget requests and controls expenditures;
  • prepares inventory, orders supplies, and oversees the acquisition and maintenance of equipment for the department or program;
  • coordinates the applications for and management of external grants in support of the department or program;
  • participates in the scheduled evaluations of departmental or program members of the Faculty;
  • coordinates departmental or program self-evaluations and assessment of student learning;
  • chairs searches for new departmental or program Faculty members and support staff and coordinates their orientation;
  • supervises work-study students and support staff, including adjunct teaching staff;
  • communicates and interprets departmental or program requirements and policies to other parts of the College, prospective students, off-campus groups, and other constituencies;
  • confers with the Office of Institutional Advancement and Planning regarding gifts to the College designated for the department or program;
  • maintains departmental or program records (such as course enrollments or profile of graduates); and
  • fulfills other responsibilities as assigned by the Area Chair, the Provost, or the President.

3. B.2.c. Faculty Meetings

General Principles for Faculty Meetings

  1. The Faculty shall consist of the President, Vice Presidents, Provost or Dean of the College, and all officers of instruction above and including the rank of instructor. The Faculty shall meet upon the call of the President or the Provost or Dean of the College and shall make rules governing its own procedure and shall constitute such committees as may be appropriate. The Faculty shall prescribe, subject to the approval of the Board, requirements for admission, for courses of study, for degrees, and for graduation, and shall recommend to the Board candidates for all academic and honorary degrees. The Faculty is responsible for promoting the education and the welfare of students as defined within the Statement of Purpose of the College.

    To this end, the Faculty, through policy and participation, shall supervise all student organizations and oversee all other student activities sanctioned by the College. Each member of the Faculty shall contribute appropriately to the fulfillment of these responsibilities. (By-Laws of Hendrix College)

  2. The Faculty Handbook should consistently use the term “Faculty” to refer to the definition in the By-Laws.
  3. The President presides over the Faculty and reviews the agenda for Faculty meetings with the Provost. Typically the President calls meetings to order and then turns the meeting over to the Provost. In the absence of the President, The Provost presides at Faculty meetings. The Council on Academic Policy sets the agenda for Faculty meetings.
  4. The Provost will, as appropriate, make a call for interested Faculty to serve as Parliamentarian and Assistant Parliamentarian. In consultation with the Council on Academic Policy, the Provost will appoint a Parliamentarian and an Assistant Parliamentarian to four-year terms. These Faculty members will be familiar with Robert's Rules of Order and the exceptions to those rules as detailed in subsequent sections of Faculty Meeting Procedures. The Parliamentarian is charged with helping the presiding officer run Faculty meetings. In general, this consists of being present and ready to advise the Presiding Officer on procedural matters. The Assistant Parliamentarian's duty is to step in when the Parliamentarian is unavailable.
  5. In absentia ballots or proxies may not be used in Faculty meetings. Members must be present to vote. The Faculty usually meets once each month when the College is in session. Occasionally, additional meetings are held on call. All members of the Faculty are expected to attend Faculty meetings and should inform the Provost if they expect to be absent.
  6. The standard agenda order is Call to Order, Invocation, Brief Break, Committee Reports, Action Items, Discussion Items, New Business, and Announcements.
  7. Faculty meetings generally follow Robert’s Rules of Order when the Faculty has no designated procedure. In the language of Robert’s Rules, the Faculty has not adopted Robert’s Rules, but considers Robert’s Rules as persuasive. [This means Robert’s Rules carry weight in the absence of overriding reasons for following a different course, but they are not binding on the body.] In particular, the following items are helpful to keep in mind:

              a. The quorum is a majority of the Faculty as defined in Section 16 of the College By-Laws.

              b. The purpose of discussion items is for the Faculty to make suggestions and critiques to and with the sponsors of the item so that changes might be made before formal action is taken. Discussion items are not subject to formal amendments or votes. When a discussion item returns as an action item, it is considered to have been moved for adoption by the originating committee, whether or not the motion is explicitly stated. Since action items come from committees, they do not require a second. As motions, action items are debatable and subject to amendments (see Item 8 below).

              c. A motion is generally decided by voice vote, but in cases where the result is unclear to the chair, the decision will be by a show of hands. Any Faculty member can ask the chair for a show of hands after a voice vote. At any time, a Faculty member can move that any vote be decided by secret ballot. The motion for a secret ballot must be seconded and then obtain a majority vote.

              d. A motion to override any existing rule requires a second and a 2/3 majority to pass.

              e. Classroom teachers without rank and administrative staff members are welcome to attend Faculty meetings but cannot vote. Other visitors are allowed to attend only after a motion, second, and a majority vote to suspend the regular rules and invite the visitors to enter the meeting.

  8. With four exceptions all motions are discussed at two meetings, once for discussion and once for action.

              a. Curricular proposals are acted on in one meeting unless they involve the creation of new majors or minors.

              b. Policy proposals from the Committee on Student Life are considered adopted upon presentation as part of a committee report unless a Faculty member objects from the floor.

              c. Approval of the graduation list.

              d. Approval of the annual report from the Committee on Committees concerning committee charges and memberships.

  9. For an item to be considered at a Faculty meeting, it must be made generally available to Faculty members electronically by noon on the Monday before the meeting. A majority vote of those present is required to allow consideration of an item not made available according to this timetable. New business items are an exception. Faculty members who plan to offer amendments should submit them electronically to the Office of the Provost prior to the Faculty meeting. Amendments proposed during the Faculty meeting will not be voted on until they have been put into a format—written or electronic—that is clearly visible to the Faculty.

4. B.2.d. Standing Committees

General Principles for Standing Committees

  1. Committees are to study the administration of policy, to advise appropriate groups, and to recommend policy changes for consideration and/or formal action by the Faculty on those matters under each committee’s charge.
  2. Each committee chair is to submit a written report to the Office of Academic Affairs by the end of the spring semester. These reports, with any needed redactions, are also posted on the Faculty Resources web area. Each committee should keep minutes listing at least the members present and absent, the matters discussed, and formal actions taken at each meeting.
  3. Ex officio representatives of administrative offices are appointed to committees by the appropriate Vice President and begin service on the committees in the fall of the academic year for which they are appointed. Ex officio members of committees have full committee privileges, including voting, except where explicitly noted in the committee’s membership list.
  4. At-large Faculty members of committees are nominated by the Committee on Committees (CoC) during spring semester for the following year and elected by the Faculty. Members of the Council on Academic Policy (AP) are elected for three-year terms, and members of the CoC are elected for two-year terms. Both of these elections use a modified Hare balloting system. Although the elections are held concurrently, ballots for AP are tallied first and those newly elected are eliminated from consideration in the current election to the CoC.

              a. Faculty members as defined in the By-Laws are eligible for election to AP and CoC. Eligible Faculty members are to notify the Office of Academic Affairs by the last day of the first full week of classes of the spring semester if they do not wish to be considered for election.

              b. As soon as is practically possible after the last day of the first full week of classes of the spring semester, the Office of Academic Affairs distributes nomination ballots to all members of the  Faculty. Each nomination ballot includes the names of all Faculty members who are both eligible and willing to serve on the committee. With the exception of one-year or one semester replacements, members rotating off the committee are not included on the ballot. Each Faculty member can nominate up to two candidates listed on the ballot. The top 25 candidates in terms of the number of votes they have received then go forward into the election round proper. If fewer than 25 candidates are nominated, all candidates nominated advance to the election round. In the event of a tie for the last qualifying ranking, all the candidates so tied go forward, provided that such candidates received at least two nominations.

              c. As soon as is practically possible after the conducting of the nomination round, the Office of Academic Affairs distributes the Hare ballots in order to conduct the election proper. Faculty rank order the candidates on the ballot, and the election proceeds according to the procedure outlined in paragraph “d.”

              d. The number of votes necessary for election is determined by dividing the total number of ballots by one more than the number of candidates to be elected and taking the whole number next larger than the result. For example, if 63 ballots were cast and two candidates were to be elected, the formula would be:

                   (i) 63 ÷ (2+1) = 21

                   (ii) the next whole number larger than 21 is 22

    Thus, a successful candidate must receive 22 votes to be elected. In the initial tabulation of the ballots, each ballot is counted for the “first choice.” If a candidate receives at least 22 first-choice votes, he or she is declared elected, and 22 of the ballots used to elect the candidate are randomly chosen, set aside, and not counted again. Any additional first-choice votes for the successful candidate are then transferred to the “second choice” on those ballots. If a candidate receives at least 22 first and second choice votes, he or she is declared elected. If, after the ballots have been counted through for the first time, only one or no candidate has received at least 22 votes, the director of the count declares defeated the candidate(s) with the least number of first-choice votes. These ballots are then transferred to the second choices. If the election is not complete, the remaining candidate(s) with the lowest number of votes is (are) declared defeated, and those ballots are transferred to the next choices if they still need votes to be elected. Eventually two of the candidates will have at least 22 votes. In the case of a tie for the last person to be elected, the candidate assigned the most ballots in the first round shall be declared the winner. If the candidates are tied in the first round, the one with the most ballots in the second round shall be declared the winner. If necessary, this process continues into subsequent rounds until the tie is broken.

              e. As soon as is practically possible after the completion of the vote counts the Office of Academic Affairs informs the Faculty of the election results.

  5. During spring semester the Student Senate elects student members to the various committees on which students begin serving in the following fall semester.
  6. No person shall hold more than one position on a given committee.
  7. Recommendations for changes in the charges and/or memberships of the committees are made to the Faculty by the CoC.
  8. The President of the College is an ex officio member of all standing committees except the College Conduct Council. The Provost is an ex officio member of all standing committees.
  9. In absentia ballots or proxies may not be used in Faculty meetings or in committee meetings. Members must be present to vote.
  10. For a committee to conduct official business, a quorum must be present. A quorum consists of a simple majority of the membership, including ex officio members but excluding the President of the College and the Provost.
  11. Each full-time Faculty member shall typically serve on no more than one standing collegiate committee; exceptions are considered by the CoC. Before assignments are made, the CoC provides an opportunity for Faculty to give preferences on standing committee assignments and to explain any relevant workload issues involving other committee or administrative commitments. Normally, Faculty members shall be assigned to committees for staggered three-year terms.
  12. When a proposal is brought before a committee, it should be considered in a timely fashion and a formal action should be taken within a reasonable time-frame, within the same academic year, if possible. The annual report to the Office of Academic Affairs by the chair of the committee should include an account of any proposals pending before the committee. Such pending proposals should be given high priority in the subsequent year and will be acted upon before the end of that academic year.
  13. If a Faculty member elected to either AP or CoC is unable to serve, the first vacancy is filled by the first runner-up in the most recent election of Faculty members to the respective council/committee; the second vacancy is filled by the second runner-up; each subsequent vacancy is filled in the same rank order. In case of a tie among the runners-up, the tie is broken in the manner described in paragraph 4(d). If the list of runners-up is exhausted, a lottery among eligible members of the Faculty is held.
  14. The Faculty select three finalists from which the Board of Trustees select a Faculty representative to the Board to serve one three-year term. Terms begin in the fall semester following the faculty elections. The election of the finalists occurs every three years during the spring semester—starting with Spring 2012. The Faculty Representative also serves as a non-voting ex officio member of AP. The criteria for finalist candidates include:
  • The candidates must have tenure.
  • The candidates must not have a dual staff or administrative appointment other than as department or program chair.
  • If elected, the Faculty member must not take a sabbatical during the term of office.
  • Current elected members of AP or current Area Chairs are eligible to be candidates. However, if selected, the Faculty member must resign the other position. Replacements are made according to the policy in item 13.

The election will follow similar rules to that of the other elected Faculty positions.

  • Early in November of an election year, the CoC chair polls eligible Faculty to provide an opportunity for Faculty to remove themselves from consideration.
  • Late in the fall semester of an election year, the CoC chair sends ballots to all members of the Faculty. The ballots include the names of all eligible, willing Faculty members.
  • The voting method is approval voting. Therefore, faculty completing a ballot should mark each candidate whom the Faculty member approves of serving in this position. The names of the three candidates with the most votes are sent to the Board for final selection of a representative.
  • Once a Faculty representative is chosen, the other Faculty elections continue in the usual way at the beginning of the following spring semester.

Standing Committee Descriptions and Memberships

Committee on Academic Advising
     Advisory to the Faculty. Recommends programs, policies, and procedures relating to organization and development of the academic advising program of the College. Works in appropriate ways with other campus services, offices, and individuals to enhance academic advising for Hendrix students.


Ex officio (2)
 Executive Director of Advising and Student Success (Gron)

 Director of Student Success (Brown)

Faculty-at-large (3)
 Gantz, Hill (chair), Vidal Torreira 
Student (2)


Committee on Academic Appeals

     Hears and rules on appeals regarding decisions by the Office of Academic Affairs concerning interpretations of, or exceptions to, rules, procedures or decisions governing registration in courses and the management of academic records. The Committee does not hear appeals concerning grades (other than I or W). This committee also serves as the appeals committee for the Academic Integrity Policy.


Ex officio (2)
 Registrar (non-voting) (Adams),
 Associate Provost for Faculty Development (non-voting) (Templeton)
Faculty-at-large (3)
 Ablondi (chair), Miller, Seme 

Committee on Academic Assessment

     The Committee on Academic Assessment assists the Office of Assessment with the development, monitoring, and evaluation of student assessment plans and annual assessment reports for the College’s academic program including departments, programs and general education.


Ex officio (4)

 Associate Provost (Sutherland D),

 Director of Institutional Research (Peterson)

 Assessment Coordinators (Leonard, Pfau)

Faculty-at-large (4)
 Downes, Goadrich (chair), Sanders, Schmidt 
Student (1)

Committee on Academic Integrity

     The Committee on Academic Integrity has jurisdiction over all alleged violations of academic standards as described in the College’s Statement of Academic Integrity. The committee follows the procedural guidelines as described in the Statement of Academic Integrity. A minimum of two Faculty members and two student members is required to hold a formal hearing. Hearing groups are formed by the chair from the available committee members.


Ex officio (1)
 Associate Provost for Faculty Development (Templeton)
Faculty-at-large (4)
 Horne, Payne (chair), Sprunger, Yorgey
Students (5)   Confidential

Council on Academic Policy

     Advisory to the President on all matters of common concern. Meets regularly with the President and reports regularly to the Faculty. Plans programs, reviews recommendations, and coordinates activities involving academic matters. Sets the agenda for Faculty meetings. Makes recommendations to the Faculty on matters not under the jurisdiction of other committees, such as academic calendar, schedule of classes and examinations, graduation requirements, and programs for academic and faculty development.

     Three committees are formed from the membership of the Council. The six Faculty members elected at-large by the faculty by secret ballot constitute a Committee on Academic and Professional Concerns. The members of this committee represent the Faculty in advising the Council on Academic Policy concerning academic issues, both current and future. The Committee also serves as a hearings committee and considers all matters of professional concern, particularly those relating to academic freedom, promotion, tenure, and retention. This committee selects its chair from its membership.

     The Provost, Associate Provost for Academic Affairs, and Area Chairs (appointed to staggered 4-year terms) constitute the Committee on Faculty. CoF is advisory to the Provost and the President on matters of Faculty appointments, retention, promotion, tenure, and retirement. The Provost is the non-voting chair of CoF and the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs serves as Area Chair for Faculty librarians. The Area Chairs and the Associate Provost for Faculty Development constitute the Committee on Faculty Grants, which allocates funds for Faculty development and Faculty travel. The Associate Provost for Faculty Development serves as the non-voting chair of this committee.


Ex officio (4)
President of the College (Arnold),
Provost, non-voting (Bonebright, chair),
Associate Provost of Academic Affairs, non-voting (Sutherland D),
Faculty Representative to the Trustees, non-voting (Leonard)
Area Chairs (3)
Penner, West, Wright 
Elected faculty-at-large (6)

Maslin (19-21), Contreras-Silver (18-21) [Fall Replacement: Williamson],

Kennedy (19-22) [Fall Replacement: Moran], Kolev (19-22),

Hatch (20-23), Pfau (20-23)

Students (2)
Student Senate President (Gifty Agana),
Elected student representative (Kavi Modi)

College Conduct Council

     The College Conduct Council has jurisdiction over serious breaches of the College’s standards of student conduct and over all student misconduct which does not fall under the responsibility of the minor disciplinary hearing panel or an administrative hearing body. The Council also serves as the appellate group for decisions made by a minor disciplinary hearing board or an administrative hearing body. A minimum of two Faculty members and two student members is required to hold a formal hearing. Hearing groups are formed by the chair from the available committee members.


Ex officio (3)
 Dean of Students (Wiltgen),
 Representative of Office of Academic Affairs (Brown),
 Secretary, non-voting (Huett)
Faculty-at-large (4)
 Cottrant-Estell, Jaeger, Jellenik (chair), Murray
Students (5)

Committee on Committees

     Recommends to the Faculty the organization, structure, and functions of standing committees to which Faculty are named. Nominates to the Faculty the committee chairs and Faculty membership assignments.


Ex officio (1)
 Associate Provost (Sutherland D, chair)
Elected Faculty (4)
 Bergfeld (20-21), Berryman (20-22),
 McKim (20-22), Spayde (19-21)

Committee on Curriculum

     Makes recommendations concerning curriculum to departments, areas, and the Faculty. Receives reports and requests from departments and areas concerning revisions in course offerings and requirements for majors and minors; forwards such reports with recommendations to the Faculty.


Ex officio (2)
 Associate Provost (Sutherland D),
 Registrar (Adams)
Faculty-at-large (5)
 Gunderson J, Haden Chomphosy (chair), Hales, Krebs, Weddle
Students (2)

Committee on Diversity and Dialogue

     Advises the campus on the promotion of a welcoming and diverse community that supports the inclusion and belonging of every member. In collaboration with a range of college offices, facilitates dialogue through a variety of programming, offers advising about relevant programs, and serves as a resource for the community at large.


Ex officio (5)
 Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion (Baoua)

 Director of Academic Success (Brown)

 Coordinator of Multicultural Student Services (tba)

 Coordinator of LGBTQ Student Services (Hale)    

Faculty-at-large (3)
 Glick, Goldberg, Jaudon (chair)
Students (3)
tba (includes COGS and MDC chairs)                                

Committee on Enrollment and Financial Aid

     The Committee will be on hiatus during the 2020-2021 academic year while the College continues to use the FARE faculty as representation to Admission and Financial Aid.  The Committee on Committees will re-evaluate the status of the EFA committee next year.


Ex officio (4)
 Vice President for Enrollment (Cassell),
 Director of Academic Advising (Gron) ,
 Director of Admission  ,
 Director of Financial Aid, non-voting 
Faculty-at-large (3)

Students (3)

Committee on Engaged Learning

     Advises the Odyssey Director on policies and procedures for the operation of the Odyssey Program, including establishment of criteria for Odyssey credit not connected to regularly taught courses. Reviews and recommends to the Committee on Faculty requests from students and Faculty for the funding of proposed Odyssey projects. Assists Faculty in the development of new Odyssey experiences, including new courses for proposal to the Curriculum Committee for Odyssey credit. Assists the Director in coordinating policies and the program’s interactions with related offices. Hears student appeals on Odyssey credit decisions.


Ex officio (3)
 Odyssey Program Director (Kolev),
 Associate Provost for Engaged Learning, non-voting (Gess) 
Faculty-at-large (4)
 Gunderson W, Liu, Shanks, Schurko (chair)                              
Students (2)  tba                          

Committee on Honorary Degrees

     Receives and reviews recommendations for honorary degrees and makes nominations in accordance with provisions of the By-Laws of the College. The Committee may, in recognition of rare and outstanding service in causes consistent with the ideals of the College, recommend to the Faculty collegiate commendation of organizations beyond the campus. The following criteria for honorary degrees were approved by the Board of Trustees in February, 2004:

  • Outstanding accomplishment in the honoree’s chosen field; national status wherever appropriate;
  • Potential as a role model and inspiration to students; the honoree embodies the humanitarian goals of the College;
  • Some tie to Hendrix, Arkansas, or this region of the country that makes recognition especially fitting.


Ex officio (1)
 Senior Executive Vice President and Dean of Institutional Advancement (Arnold)
Faculty-at-large (3)
 Dearolf, Muse (chair), Scott C 
Trustees (2)
Alumni Board (1)


Committee on Honors

     Recommends to the Faculty policies regarding honors programs, including the Honors Convocation. Coordinates and promotes applications for the various post-baccalaureate awards by serving as the liaison between the Faculty and the campus representatives for such scholarships and fellowships as Rhodes, Fulbright, Watson, Truman, Goldwater, and Marshall. Serves as the screening committee for candidates for post-baccalaureate awards.


Ex officio (2)
 Distinguished Scholarships Advisor (Falls-Corbitt)
 Representative of Office of Career Services (Moore)
Faculty-at-large (3)
 Murphy (chair), Schneider, Whelan 


Committee on International/Intercultural Studies

     Advisory to the Faculty. Recommends policy and procedures regarding international and intercultural study. Aids in the advising of international students. Advertises and evaluates programs of international or intercultural study. May assist in recommending students for international study.


Ex officio (3)
 Representative of Office of Student Affairs (Baoua),
 Associate Provost for Engaged Learning (Gess),
 International Programs Assistant Director (Courtway)
Faculty-at-large (2)
 Campolo (chair), Vilahomat 
Students (2)

Committee on Student Life

     Advisory the Office of Student Affairs. Works in conjunction with the Office of Student Affairs and the Student Senate in recommending and evaluating the various policies and programs of the College involving student activities, including discipline, orientation of new students, student-faculty relations, recreation, residential living, off-campus housing, student government and organizations, student media, health services, and campus center.


Ex officio (2)
Dean of Students (Wiltgen),
Chaplain (Alston)
Faculty-at-large (4)
Looney, McClung, Rauh (chair)
Students (3)

Human Subjects Review Board

Responsible for reviewing all research done under the auspices of the College and ensuring that in each project humans participants are treated in a just and ethical manner.  The HRSB membership follows federal guidelines.



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