Visitor Parking - Visitor parking spaces are all marked in the Mills Center, Markham Street, Fausett Hall, and Ellis Hall parking lots. There are approximately 30 spaces reserved for visitors. The visitor spaces to the east of Ellis Hall are reserved for visitors 24 hours per day, seven days per week. All other visitor spaces are reserved from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. All parking spaces at the office buildings on Washington Avenue are for visitors and require a special temporary permit.
Service Parking - Parking will not be allowed in service spaces at any time. Unauthorized vehicles parked in service spaces will be towed at owner's expense.
Reserved Parking - Each Area Coordinator and Head Resident Assistant have a parking space reserved near their residence hall to provide easy access to their vehicles in case of an emergency situation. Unauthorized vehicles parked in these spaces will be towed upon request.
Parking on Red Curbs - Red curbs signifies fire lanes and/or sight areas such as an intersection. Parking in and/or blocking a fire lane creates a substantial risk to the safety of the campus. Vehicles parked on red curbs will be ticketed and are subject to being towed.
Parking on Lawns, Fields or Sidewalks - Parking is prohibited on areas such as the lawns, fields, or sidewalks. Vehicles found parked in these areas will be ticketed and towed. This includes vehicles parked or driven on the lawn while loading or unloading personal belongings.
Double Parking - Double parking is allowed for no more than 15 minutes when loading or unloading a vehicle in a residence hall parking lot. Double parking is prohibited in Couch Circle at any time.
Disabled Parking - Parking spaces for the disabled are provided for the benefit of physically challenged persons 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Unauthorized use of disabled spaces may result in fines as well as the towing of your vehicle.
A Campus Disabled Permit is required on any vehicle registered to a Hendrix College student, faculty, or staff member, in addition to state disabled licensing. The Department of Public Safety will issue these permits to individuals who present proof of a disabled permit or license plate. Such proof shall be the Disabled Person's Access to Parking Application Form issued by the state with the special plate or placards. Temporary disabled permits are available from the Department of Public Safety and are approved by the Director of Public Safety.