How to Apply

Detailed instructions for applying and all required forms can be found here.

Computer LabStudents:

  1. Eligible students must be nominated by their schools to attend Arkansas Governor’s School (AGS).
  2. Complete the AGS Student Application Form online and submit it.
  3. If a student applies in a fine arts area (Choral Music, Drama, Instrumental Music, or Visual Arts), the student will need to record and upload an audition video.  Instructions for preparing and uploading audition videos can be found here: Audition Video Instructions.  Please note that this video should be reviewed by a school official before uploading.
  4. Select an educator to submit a Teacher Recommendation online who is familiar with your interests and ability in the specific subject area.  If a student applies in two (2) subject areas, then one (1) Teacher Recommendation may be submitted for each area.
  5. Each nominated student must complete all application requirements by the appropriate due dates to be considered.  Incomplete applications will not be accepted.  Please see important application dates here.