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Isabel Jara ’26 Presents Research at National Meeting of the American Chemical Society

Hendrix junior presents on behalf of team from Hales’ Chemistry Lab

IJ and DH at ACS2024

Isabel Jara ’26 and Dr. David Hales in front of a research presentation poster.

CONWAY, Ark. (September 17, 2024) — Hendrix College student Isabel Jara ’26 on August 19 presented work at the National Meeting of the American Chemical Society that she co-authored with Professor of Chemistry Dr. David Hales and fellow students Victoria E. Poland ’27, Nischal Thota ’25, Bhavya Lenin ’24, and Regina Delgadillo Galaviz ’24. 

The research “examines the forces that hold proteins in their native conformations by measuring what it takes to make them unfold,” said Hales. “Isabel presented results from systematically changing the polarity of the solution. We can make analogous measurements by varying the temperature, so our aim is to correlate the polarity-based studies to thermal studies and develop an overall picture of the thermodynamic factors involved in changing protein conformations.” 

The experience of working and presenting on projects like these allows students to see the magnitude of the research they are contributing to in the worldwide chemistry community, Hales said. These opportunities offer students solid affirmation of their abilities, awareness of their own scientific maturation, and increased confidence as they grow into their identities as scientists.

“I could not be more glad that I said yes to the opportunity to present,” Jara said. “This whole research experience has been a highlight of my Hendrix experience, and I was so proud to be able to represent our research lab and Hendrix at such an awe-inspiring event.”

Hales expressed gratitude to the Thomas E. Goodwin Odyssey Professorship he currently holds for funding both the research itself and travel.

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Founded in 1876, Hendrix College is featured in Colleges That Change Lives: 40 Schools That Will Change the Way You Think About Colleges and celebrated among the country’s leading liberal arts colleges for academic quality, engaged learning opportunities and career preparation, vibrant campus life, and value. The Hendrix College Warriors compete in 21 NCAA Division III sports. Hendrix has been affiliated with the United Methodist Church since 1884. Learn more at   

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