Mathematics and Computer Science

Mathematics & Computer Science

Hendrix Hosts Inaugural Programming Contest

Hendrix team takes top honor at ICPC-style competition

Hendrix Computer Science Duo Shares Research at Mid-South Conference

Eric Huynh ’18 and Lj Leuchovius ’17 present at Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges Mid-South Conference 

Hendrix Computer Science Students Receive Acxiom Diversity Scholarships

Patrick Niyongabo ’17 and Olivier Kwizera ’18 receive scholarships from data marketing company

Two Hendrix Mathematics Teams Take Top Honors at State Contest

Students extend College’s dominance in state math competition

Hendrix Grad Grabs MathFest Honor

Nicholas Heiner ’16 wins Student Speaker Award at Mathematical Association of America and Pi Mu Epsilon annual meeting

Hendrix Senior Receives Research Fulbright Award

Rachel Zweig ’16 to work with Spanish National Research Council in Madrid

Hendrix Senior Honored for MathFest Presentation

William O’Brochta’16 wins excellence award at MathFest

Math Professor Receives PME Distinguished Service Award

Dr. David Sutherland ’81 praised for leadership and service

Hendrix Students Share Research at Summer Symposium

19 science students present at 2013 Central Arkansas Undergraduate Research Symposium

Four Hendrix Students Named 2013 Goldwater Scholars

All Hendrix applicants receive prestigious national undergraduate science honor

Science Students To Show Research at State Capitol

Eight students to take part in Posters-at-the-Capitol program

Math Majors’ Work Accepted for Journals

Papers by Casey Wynn ’12 and Luke Kressin ’12 selected for math journals

Hendrix Student Receives Math Award

Matthew Phillip Larson ’14 wins AMS Trjitzinsky Scholarship