Mathematics and Computer Science

Christopher Camfield, Ph.D.

2022 Christopher Camfield-5307FINAL

Christopher Camfield, Ph.D.

Professor of Mathematics

Faculty Athletics Representative Office: Charles D. Morgan Center - Reynolds Hall 309 Office Hours: Contact through Teams Chat (501) 450-3877 (501) 450-3829


After growing up in Fairborn, Ohio, I attended the University of Cincinnati , where I majored in mechanical engineering .  My degree required 18 months in the cooperative education program where I worked for Goodrich Aerospace in Troy, Ohio.  At Goodrich, I had the opportunity to design, test, and service wheels and brakes for regional, business, military, and commercial aircraft.  In addition to my studies, much of my undergraduate time was spent as a member of UC's track and cross country  teams.

Deciding that I preferred mathematics over engineering, I stayed at UC and earned my doctorate in mathematics .  I specialized in geometric measure theory and analysis on metric spaces under the supervision of Nageswari Shanmugalingam .  My thesis was titled Comparison of BV Norms in Weighted Euclidean and Metric Measure Spaces .

After completing my doctorate, I spent two years as a visiting professor at Kenyon College  in Gambier, Ohio.  This was my first experience with a small liberal arts college after having always been at a large (and wonderful) state university.  During this time, I realized that I wanted to spend the rest of my career teaching at a similar institution.

I came to Hendrix in 2010 and have had the opportunity to teach a wide variety of math courses while being involved in many different areas of campus life.  In 2015, I began serving at the college's Faculty Athletics Representative to the SAA and NCAA.

Academic Background

  • B.S., University of Cincinnati, 2002
  • Ph.D., University of Cincinnati, 2008

Employment History


  • Faculty Athletics Representative to SAA and NCAA
  • Pi Mu Epsilon, Arkansas Beta Chapter, Faculty Advisor
  • Student Persistence and Retention to Completion
  • Past Committees

    • Athletic Advisory Committee
    • Committee on Academic Advising
    • Committee on Student Life
    • Council of New Student Advisors
    • Creative Quad Guiding Principles
    • Dept Chair, Mathematics and Computer Science
    • Strategic Planning: Science Visibility
    • Strategic Planning: Career Preparation
    • Writing Capacity Committee

Teaching History

  • Course #   Course Title #  Last Taught 
    Hendrix College, 2010 - present   
    LBST 101Explorations  Fall 2023 
    MATH 115Mathematics in Contemporary Issues Fall 2024 
    MATH 120Precalculus Spring 2024
    MATH 130Calculus I 15 Fall 2022
    MATH 140Calculus II 12 Fall 2023 
    MATH 215Introductory Statistics 14Fall 2024 
    MATH 230Multivariable Calculus2Spring 2024
    MATH 260 Differential Equations Fall 2023 
    MATH 270 Linear Algebra Fall 2012 
    MATH 290 Introduction to Advanced Mathematics  Spring 2020 
    MATH 310 Probability and Statistics Fall 2017 
    MATH 350 Real Analysis Fall 2024 
    MATH 365Mathematical Models  Fall 2023 
    MATH 450 Seminar in Analysis Spring 2021 
    MATH 490Adv Topics: Complex Variables Fall 2018 
    MATH 490 Adv Topics: Image Processing Spring 2012 
    MATH 497 Mathematics: Senior Seminar 13 Fall 2024 
    Kenyon College, 2008 - 2010    
    MATH 111 Calculus A Spring 2010 
    MATH 112 Calculus B Fall 2008 
    MATH 213 Calculus C Fall 2009 
    MATH 324Linear Algebra II  Spring 2009 
    MATH 333 Differential Equations Spring 2010 
    MATH 460 Topology Fall 2009 
    MATH 493 Ind Study: Algebraic Topology Spring 2010 
    University of Cincinnati, 2004 - 2005
    MATH 155 Topics in Mathematics Summer 2005 
    MATH 252 Calculus II Summer 2004 
    MATH 273 Differential Equations Summer 2004 

Research Interests

  • My research interests are in analysis with an emphasis on geometric measure theory and analysis in metric spaces.  I am also interested in applications of geometric measure theory in data analysis and image processing.


  • “Comparison of BV Norms in Weighted Euclidean Spaces.” J. Analysis, 18 (2010), 83-97.

Grants and Awards