The Hendrix College Wind Ensemble
Dr. Gretchen Renshaw, Conductor
The Wind Ensemble is composed of students from a wide variety of majors on campus. Rehearsals are Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:15-6:00 p.m. Drawing from symphonic band, wind ensemble, and chamber winds repertoire, the ensemble performs a variety of traditional and contemporary works. The Wind Ensemble performs four concerts annually.
See below for audition information, including scheduling and excerpts to prepare.
Upcoming Events
FALL 2024
Wednesday, August 28, 4:15-5:15 pm
Wind Ensemble Meeting
Staples Auditorium
Tuesday-Friday, August 27-30
Wind Ensemble Auditions
Miller Creative Quad 104
Saturday, September 28, 9:30 am
Fall Family Weekend Concert
Staples Auditorium
Thursday, November 21, 7:30 pm
Fall Concert
Staples Auditorium
First week of classes
Wind Ensemble Auditions for New Members
Miller Creative Quad 104
Wednesday, January 22, 4:15-5:15 p.m.
Wind Ensemble Meeting
Staples Auditorium
Thursday, March 13, 7:30 p.m.
Spring Concert
Staples Auditorium
Monday, April 21, 6:30 p.m.
Concert in the Quad
Miller Creative Quad Courtyard (rain location: Staples Auditorium)
Check out the Hendrix College Wind Ensemble page on
For more information, contact the conductor,
Dr. Gretchen Renshaw.
Fast Facts:
- Students earn .25 academic credit for each semester. As a result, students participating in Wind Ensemble for four semesters will receive the EA learning domain credit.
- Students earn one Odyssey Artistic Creativity credit through participation in Wind Ensemble in two semesters.
- To enroll, students must perform a brief audition and attend the first informational meeting (please see above). After this meeting, the Music Department adds Wind Ensemble to your schedule – you do not register for Wind Ensemble through your advisor.
Recent Performances
WE Contain Multitudes: Identity, Empathy, Belonging
Hendrix College Wind Ensemble
Eris DeJarnett, guest composer and performer
Hendrix College Printmaking Students
Hendrix College Faculty Panel Discussion
March 7, 2024
SUSTAIN: A Collaborative Concert and Sustainability Gallery
Digital Program Notes
Featuring the Hendrix College Wind Ensemble, Jazz Band, and Printmaking Students
November 16, 2023
Each student interested in performing with the Hendrix College Wind Ensemble will meet with the conductor to play a few short excerpts from the upcoming semester's repertoire. The purpose is for the conductor to learn about each student's musical background and determine part assignments.
Auditions occur at three times each academic year:
- Fall semester, first week of classes: for all students wanting to participate in Wind Ensemble during that Fall semester.
- Spring semester, first week of classes: for new members wanting to join Wind Ensemble for that Spring semester. Wind Ensemble members continuing from the Fall semester do NOT need to re-audition.
- Spring semester, last week of classes: for rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors wanting to participate in Wind Ensemble during the upcoming Fall semester. If students do not wish to or are unable to complete their audition at this time, they still have the option to perform their audition during the first week of classes of the upcoming Fall semester.
Audition Materials
In the Google Drive folder containing the audition music (see link below), please first read the document titled “READ FIRST” so you may see which excerpts to prepare for your instrument. Then, print and practice your excerpts prior to your audition. You should bring your printed excerpts to the audition with you.
Fall 2024 Audition Materials
Scheduling Your Audition:
1. Fill out the
Wind Ensemble Sign-Up Form.
2. Sign up for an audition time on this spreadsheet.
For Auditions at the beginning of the Spring semester:
Contact Dr. Renshaw to schedule an audition time and to request audition excerpts.
To view the repertoire performed by the Hendrix College Wind Ensemble since 2005, click here.