Welcome, Hendrix parents and families!
As the parent or guardian of a Hendrix student, you are automatically a member of the Hendrix Parent Association. You will receive invitations to regional Hendrix Alumni and Family events and Family Weekend/Homecoming. You will also receive the monthly Parent and Family e-newsletter and may "like" us on the Hendrix Parents Facebook page to stay connected with us. Through the Parent Association you can meet other parents, share ideas and concerns, have questions answered, and follow all things Hendrix. Contact parent@hendrix.edu if you have any questions.
We are here to help! In the menu on the right you will find links to Frequently Asked Questions, a list of Frequently Called Phone Numbers for campus offices, and Conway Hotels & Restaurants you may want to visit over Family Weekend/Homecoming. The Residence Life Office offers some helpful tips under the Useful Information for All Students link. Julie Brown in the Office of Academic Success shares her advice for Growing Independence.
If you want to become involved at Hendrix, we will gladly accept your help! There are many parent support needs, and there’s surely one that fits your specific talents and time availability. Find out how you can give back to Hendrix. Email parent@hendrix.edu to learn more about the Parent and Family Association.
Thank you in advance for your time and energy!