The French program at Hendrix reflects the
diversity and richness of both France and the greater Francophone world. Within our halls, students rapidly build
linguistic fluency while furthering their understanding of the culture,
history, philosophy and literature of a broad range of French-speaking
Le programme d’études de français à Hendrix reflète la
diversité et la richesse culturelle de la France et des pays francophones. Dans
nos classes, les étudiants apprennent rapidement à s’exprimer couramment en français
en approfondissant leurs connaissances de la culture, de l’histoire, de la
philosophie et de la littérature appartenant à un large éventail de pays
Outside of our classrooms, students have myriad
opportunities to participate in co-curricular activities involving French
immersion. Some semesters students enjoy
language retreats, crêpe-baking parties, first Friday French films, and
cheese-tasting soirées, while other semesters students engage in activities such
as pétanque-playing and Mardi gras mask-making.
Each activity allows students opportunities to build their base of
French vocabulary while also developing cultural fluency.
En dehors de la salle de classe, les étudiants ont une
myriade d’occasions de se plonger dans la langue française au travers d’activités
complémentaires. Certains semestres, ils peuvent participer aux courts séjours
d’immersion, aux soirées crêpes, aux films francophones et aux dégustations de
fromages. Pendant d’autres semestres, ils ont l’opportunité de jouer à la
pétanque et de décorer des masques pour Mardi gras. Chaque activité permet aux
étudiants non seulement d’enrichir leur vocabulaire mais aussi leurs
connaissances des différentes cultures du monde francophone.
Our department proudly
offers a major and minor in French as we allow students the chance to join a
close-knit community of French-speakers all focused on a single goal: achieving
linguistic and cultural fluency.
Notre département est fier d’offrir aux étudiants une
spécialisation et une sous-spécialisation en français. Notre communauté francophile
très soudée n’aspire qu’à un seul but, celui d’atteindre une maitrise de la
langue et de ses particularités culturelles.
The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and its Lead with Languages campaign, with the support of Pearson LLC and Language Testing International, commissioned Ipsos Public Affairs to conduct a survey of 1,200 U.S. employers, and the resulting 2019 report, Making Languages Our Business: Addressing Foreign Language Demand Among U.S. Employers, indicates an urgent and growing demand for language skills in the workplace.
Key findings include:
- 9 out of 10 U.S. employers rely on employees with language skills other than English.
- 56% say their foreign language demand will increase in the next 5 years.
- 22% state a need in French language skills.
- French is the third-most in-demand foreign language among U.S. employers and is cited by 17% of respondents as being in short supply.
- 22,300 job offers published online in 2015 in the United States were looking for bilingual candidates in French.
- French is especially demanded in the humanitarian sector, with three humanitarian organizations posting hundreds of jobs for French speakers in 2015.